Tuesday, August 17, 2010

T-Minus 2 Months!

We are officially under the 2 months-to-go mark! Which is quite possibly the most terrifying feeling. Now, before you go thinking it's because I'm having second thoughts about getting married, let me stop you. I would marry Mondo yesterday at a courthouse with a bum off the street as our witness.

Marrying him, is the absolute best decision I will ever make in life.

Now, throwing a big, giant, expensive party to celebrate that? That's a different story! I am not the party planner in my family. In fact, I'm usually the one they just ask to bring a dip. Sometimes I stick around to help clean up, but even that can be a problem since I'm usuallly just in everyone else's way. So this thing, this event, this WEDDING, has definitely got my stress levels up. I am exhausted all the time, I feel sick to my stomach a lot of the time, and no I'm not pregnant. Trust me. I'm just battling the urge to lock myself in my bathroom and weep until October 16th comes and goes.

I know it's going to be a great day, and I'll look back on it with pride knowing that Mondo and I, with the help of our very generous parents, put the whole thing together. But right now, I can't see past right now. When I'm trying to budget for the decorations, and figure out the schedules of the BIG DAY. I have awesome help, and as much as I've tried to let people do stuff for us, it's been hard to give up that control. Oh goodness, did I just say that? I did? Well, there's no going back now. Yes, I want the control. So I guess I want the stress too? Well, I don't think that's true, but I think the stress is an assumed addition to having the control, so I've accepted the stress.

And honestly, I think I'm handling it all really well. I have definitely had a few meltdowns, but I think overall I've been lucky enough to keep my shit together. So far.

We'll see what happens next month.

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