Friday, July 30, 2010

Change of Plans.

On my way home last night, I called Mondo to find out what we had planned for the evening. My current job has become so mind-numbingly dull that I'm pretty sure the part of my brain that's supposed to retain information has been lulled into hibernation or quite possibly paralyzed by it's lack of use.

Anyways, I had no idea what we were supposed to be doing last night, so I called Mondo. He also had no idea, which made me feel a little better about my crumbling brain matter. So we devised a plan on the spot that included a trip to Wal-Mart, a new addition to our family, sitting in rocking chairs, eating and watching a movie. This plan sounded so wonderful to me, I was ecstatic to get home and get started! The plan was to be set in motion as soon as we got to the apartment parking lot, and in the order listed above.

I was ahead of Mondo but what I figured was at least 8 minutes so I decided to surprise him by stopping at Sonic and grabbing us a couple corn dogs and a drink to tide us over until we got home and made dinner. I had $3 cash in my wallet and was hoping I could make my delicious wantings happen with that. When I got to the menu, I realized the corn dogs were $1.29 each. $1.29 EACH. For a corn dog? Are you kidding me? I knew I was hungry enough to eat my own, so I started scrounging around my car looking for some change, hoping I could come up with enough to get both corn dogs and a small soda. I flipped open my console, and found $1.09 in change! I was so excited! I got to the window with my $4.09 and ordered 2 corn dogs with mustard and a medium root beer. Wait, did I just say medium? A medium is $0.59 more than the small I had intended on ordering! But I just ordered a medium! Crap! She gave me my total and I pulled forward before I could really process what I had done. I needed to find 40 more cents before I made it to the window. And so began the desperate search. I reached under seats, lifted floor mats, dug through the glovebox, dumped my purse onto the passenger seat, and after finding only one dime, was getting nervous. I opened up the little lipgloss/bobbypin bag I keep in my purse and hallelujah! There was a quarter! I was 5 pennies away from sweet sweet success! After gliding my hand one last time under my seat (which by the way, is disgusting and in serious need of a vacumming) I found 2 pennies! And now it was time to face the music. I pulled up to the window. A nice, young gentleman opened the window and said "Corn dogs and a root beer?" I nodded, and he replied "$4.49 please." I embarrassingly smiled at him and said "I'm 3 cents short...." and he just kindly smiled back at me and said "I'll cover you."

Chivalry is apparently not dead.

At this point Mondo calls, because he's beaten me home, and is wondering where I'm at. I tell him the saga I just endured and he laughs. I get home, climb into his car and we're off to Wally World with corn dogs in hand. At WM we discover they have a pathetic selection of fish, which we were hoping to add to our family! We're getting fish! It was a decision we made in order to appease our desire for a dog, if only temporarily. We're not quite ready to take on a puppy yet, so we thought maybe fish would be good starter pets. We are pretty excited about this choice, but WM offered us very few fish for very high prices. So we ventured onto Petsmart after buying a fishbowl starter kit at WM. We wanted to make sure we bought the most alive fish we could, in hopes of a longer life span with us. At Petsmart they have an entire wall devoted to fish! A whole wall! There was tank after tank of the slimy little guys and we stood for several minutes looking into them before we decided on what we wanted. 4 neon tetras, a zebra fish and one small African dwarf frog (Mondo's choice). After interrupting the fish guy's conversation with a co-worker, we told him our order and asked if our 1 gallon fishbowl was going to be big enough for all of those things. And that's where our fish buying experience turned. He cringed slightly at the word "fishbowl" and in his kindest tone of voice explained to us why they don't really care for fishbowls, and that most of the fish they sold needed heaters and filters. Our fish-owning hopes dissipated instantly. He walked us down the fishTANK aisle where it looked like we were going to be spending upwards of $25 for a tank to house our little friends. It was then that Mondo and I realized we were going to have to wait until our next payday to get them. We walked out of Petsmart, hand in hand, our dreams of pet-loving left laying on the floor somewhere between the tank cleaning brushes and pirate ship decorations.

The drive home was a quiet one, but things perked up once we got home. Mondo had gotten us a new piece of furniture for our apartment from one of his sites, and I was eager to find a place for it. This was a project I was not wholly prepared for. I decided I wanted to use it as our new tv stand, and move the living room furniture around. This, of course, took place of the "sitting in rocking chairs" part of our plan. We were hungry though (corn dogs don't provide much sustenance) so Mondo made dinner and I folded laundry, and then we ate while watching "X-Men Origins: Wolverine". My excitement over a new look in our place quickly took over and I got moving! Long story short, this project not only took my attention from the movie, but Mondo's as well.
It involved:
Unloading the bookshelf of all 4000 of it's books
Moving said bookshelf
Removing a bolted-in shelf from it
Cutting a hole in the back of bookshelf to accommodate the thermostat
Transferring the tv from it's old stand to the new one
Unplugging everything
Hoping the dvd's would stand up in cubbies of new stand (which they do!)
Maneuvering around 4000 books to situate tv/dvd cords
Praying the new stand will be sturdy enough to hold monstrous tv
Plugging everything back in
Finally sitting on the couch to finish the movie

As the movie ended, and we started getting ready for bed, I remember thinking "I love my life." And I do.
I really, really do.

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